Friday, July 31, 2015

Loom Knit Hat Project -- The Roman Holiday

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
Roman Holiday Hat

The hat is an attempt to duplicate this cute hat that used to be on sale at etsy:

I used the Roman stitch to duplicate the look of the rows.  This simple pattern is a very good one for a beginning loom knitter to have in his/her mental file cabinet!

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Orchid" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Heart "Olive" #4 size yarn
     Color C:  Caron "Creme" #4 size yarn
     Color D:  Red Heart "Raspberry" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

Row 1:  Knit to end
Row 2:  ewrap to the end

Rows 3-10:  Repeat Rows 1 and 2

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Rows 11 - 14: knit to the end
Row 15:  *k1, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 16:  *p1,k1* Repeat to the end

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color B

Rows 17 - 22: knit to the end
Row 23:  *k1, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 24:  *p1,k1* Repeat to the end
Drop Yarn Color B inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color C

Rows 25 - 28: knit to the end
Row 29:  *k1, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 30:  *p1,k1* Repeat to the end
Drop Yarn Color C inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color D

Rows 31 - 34: knit to the end
Row 35:  *k1, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 36:  *p1,k1* Repeat to the end

Tie off and cut Yarn Color D and Switch to Yarn Color A
Rows 37 - 40: knit to the end
Row 41:  *k1, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 42:  *p1,k1* Repeat to the end
Tie off and cut Yarn Color A  and Switch to Yarn Color B
Rows 43 - 46: knit to the end
Row 47:  *k1, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 48:  *p1,k1* Repeat to the end
Tie off and cut Yarn Color B and Switch to Yarn Color C

Row 49 - 50: knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a corkscrew tousle:  I am using Renita Harvey's modified I-cord method of creating corkscrew tousles.  I recommend you watch her video, which can be found here:

 Renita Harvey's Corkscrew Tousle Video

The method is actually pretty simple, but is difficult to convey using conventional knitting notation.  In short, you use two pegs on your loom and wind your yarn in a figure 8 pattern.  You knit four stitches into the first peg and then anchor them by knitting a stitch into the second peg.  Be sure to pull the stitches into the second peg tight to aid the curling of the stitches.  When you are done, it also helps to twirl the spiral with your fingers to give it the shape you desire.  Okay, here's a try at conveying this stitch using knitting notation:

Tie a slip knot in the yarn and place around peg 1
Wrap yarn in a counterclockwise direction around peg 2
Wrap yarn in a clockwise direction around peg 1

Row 1: k1, WYIF k1
Row 2:  ew3tog, k1

Rows 3- 40:  Repeat Rows 1and 2

Row 41:  k1, WYIF k1

Take loop off peg 1 and move to peg 2. Knit together.  Pull yarn off peg. Put tail of working yarn through the loop and tie off.

Thread tails of corkscrew tousles through top of toboggan. Knot tails securely inside toboggan.

This pattern was designed to be made with many different colors of scrap yarn. I strongly suggest that for the doll-sized version of this hat you pull off a few yards of yarn and wind them into a ball as if it was scrap.  The pattern switches color frequently and asks you to drop the yarn you are not using through the loom to wait its turn.  Pulling a skein of yarn back and forth through a "preemie" sized loom is no fun, let me tell you!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- Mint Clusters

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
Mint Cluster Hat

I hope you like the look of this stitch -- because you're going to be seeing a lot of it in the next few days.  It is loom knit version of a knit  stitch called "clusters."  I had a little trouble figuring out how to convert it and ended up doing several hats before I got the hang of it.  I'm going to be sharing both my successes and miss-steps.  This first hat, fortunately, is one of the successes!

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A: Red Heart "Pale Green" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Intermediate

     k = knit
     p = purl
     cl = cluster stitch (explained below)

Wrap yarn clockwise around peg
The cluster stitch consists of wrapping the working yarn loosely around the peg three times in a clockwise direction, then knitting the bottom loop over the three loops.
Wrap three times -Loosely!


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

BRIM Row 1: knit to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Rows 21-24: knit to the end
Row 25: *cl1, k1* Repeat to the end
Row 26: *p1, k1* Repeat to the end  (the purl stitch should go under all three loops)

Rows 27-30:  knit to the end

Row 31: *k1, cl1* Repeat to the end

Row 32: *p1, k1* Repeat to the end  (the purl stitch should go under all three loops) 

Rows 33-48:  Repeat Rows 21-32

Rows 49-50:  knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Bumble

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).

Our next add-on  experiment is corkscrew spiral tousles.  These may be easier to knit than they are to explain how to do, but we're going to give it a try!

The Bumble Hat
I could only find a tiny ball of yellow yarn to make my "bee stripes."  You may wish to be a little less stingy with the yellow when you are creating your own.

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Black" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Yellow #4 size yarn (lost label)

Skill Level: Intermediate

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap
     ew3tog = e-wrap knit three times into one stitch
     WYIF = wrap yarn in front of the peg


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

BRIM Row 1: knit to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Switch to Yarn Color B

BODY Row 21: knit to the end
Row 22: purl to the end

Rows 23-30:  Repeat Rows 21 and 22

Switch to Yarn Color C
Rows 31-32:  knit to the end

Switch to Yarn Color B
Rows 33-34: knit to the end

Switch to Yarn Color C
Rows 35-36:  knit to the end

Switch to Yarn Color B
Rows 37-38: knit to the end

Switch to Yarn Color C
Rows 39-40:  knit to the end

Switch to Yarn Color B
Row 41: knit to the end
Row 42: purl to the end

Rows 43-48:  Repeat Rows 41-42

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a corkscrew tousle:  I am using Renita Harvey's modified I-cord method of creating corkscrew tousles.  I recommend you watch her video, which can be found here:

 Renita Harvey's Corkscrew Tousle Video

The method is actually pretty simple, but is difficult to convey using conventional knitting notation.  In short, you use two pegs on your loom and wind your yarn in a figure 8 pattern.  You knit four stitches into the first peg and then anchor them by knitting a stitch into the second peg.  Be sure to pull the stitches into the second peg tight to aid the curling of the stitches.  When you are done, it also helps to twirl the spiral with your fingers to give it the shape you desire.  Okay, here's a try at conveying this stitch using knitting notation:

Tie a slip knot in the yarn and place around peg 1
Wrap yarn in a counterclockwise direction around peg 2
Wrap yarn in a clockwise direction around peg 1

Row 1: k1, WYIF k1
Row 2:  ew3tog, k1

Rows 3- 40:  Repeat Rows 1 and 2

Row 41:  k1, WYIF k1

Take loop off peg 1 and move to peg 2. Knit together.  Pull yarn off peg. Put tail of working yarn through the loop and tie off.

Thread tails of corkscrew tousles through top of toboggan. Knot tails securely inside toboggan.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat -- The Imperfect Spiral

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
Imperfect Spiral Hat

Fair warning -- this is not a pattern for a perfectionist!  The instruction spiral stitch I picked for this toboggan specified that it required a multiple of 8 +2 pegs. I somehow missed that "+2," so there's one tiny spot in the back where the spiral doesn't quite match up.. and I think I somehow managed to put that in the front for this photograph... sigh!  

If you can live with a tiny imperfection, I think you'll like this stitch anyway.

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Mauve #4 size yarn (lost the label on this one)
     Color B:  Caron "Harlequin" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

BRIM Row 1:  e-wrap to the end
Row 2:  knit to the end

Rows 3-20:  Repeat Rows 1 and 2 

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Switch to Yarn Color B

BODY Row 21: *k2, p2* Repeat to the end
Row 22: *p1, k2, p1* Repeat to the end
Row 23: *p2, k2*  Repeat to the end
Row 24: *k1, p2, k1*  Repeat to the end

Rows 24-48:  Repeat Rows 21,22,23 and 24

Rows 48- 50:  knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Tisket-Tasket

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
Tisket-Tasket Basket-weave Hat

Next in my experiments for toboggan add-ons, is this braided tousle.  I'm going to give instructions to reproduce what I did, but I think the braids turned out too short and too thick.  Will probably revisit this add-on in a latter project when I get it figured out a little better.

The stitch for this one is a classic basket-weave.  I think it also turned out a little thick and bulky.  May have to revisit this stitch too...

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Burgandy" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

BRIM Row 1:  knit to the end

Rows 3-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

BODY Rows 21-24: *k4, p4* Repeat to the end
Rows 25- 28: *p4, k4* Repeat to the end

Rows 29-48:  Repeat Rows 21- 28

Rows 49-50: knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around a piece of cardboard measuring around 8" tall around 20 times.  Remove from card and tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Sew bundle to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle. Cut the looped ends of the yarn bundle and braid into six braids.  Trim the ends of the braids

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Rocky Road

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
The Rocky Road Bramble Stitch Hat

This hat features the bramble stitch I did incorrectly on a previous toboggan.  I like the look of the variegated yarn, but now wish I had used a solid color for this one.  The multiple colors make it hard to see all the tiny bobbles that this stitch creates.

I'm classifying this as an "intermediate" project because of the bobbles, but beginners shouldn't be afraid.  Bobbles are really simple once you get the hang of staying on the same peg for multiple stitches.

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Turquoise"  #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Heart "Autumn" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Intermediate

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap
     p3tog = purl three times in the same stitch
     bb = bobble (knit 1, purl 1, and knit 1 into the same stitch)


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

BRIM Row 1:  knit to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Switch to Yarn Color B

BODY Row 21: *bb, p3tog* Repeat to the end
Row 22: purl to the end
Row 23:  *p3tog, bb* Repeat to the end
Row 24:  purl to the end

Rows 23-48:  Repeat Rows 21, 22, 23, and 24

Rows 49-50: knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Polperro Northcott

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
The Polperro Northcot Hat

This simple pattern has one of the best names in the whole catalog of stitches!  According to the internet, Polperro Northcott was an isolated fishing village.  Apparently this distinctive ribbed pattern was widely used there.  The stitch is supposed to repeat after 28 rows.  However since the body of a doll-sized toboggan is around 30- 40 rows, we just get one repetition in this little hat.

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Light Raspberry" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Heart "Pink Camo" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

Row 1: knit to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Switch to Yarn Color B

Row 21: knit to the end
Row 22: purl to the end

Row 23: knit to the end
Row 24: *k2, p2* Repeat to the end

Rows 25-46:  Repeat Rows 23 and 24

Row 47: knit to the end
Row 48: purl to the end 
Row 49: knit to the end 
Row 50: knit to the end 

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.

TIP:  To make keeping track of where you are in the pattern easier, I suggest you employ some method of marking your loom.  In the past, I have used colored "Rainbow Loom" sized rubber bands, but found that I frequently get the bands caught up into my stitches.  I recommend you use duct tape to mark off every fourth stitch as I have done here.

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Speckled Band

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).

The Speckled Band Hat
I'm starting to experiment with some different types of add-ons for these little hats. This hat features a surprisingly easy to fabricate bow.  However don't fail to notice the simple, attractive "check" stitch I found for the body of the toboggan.

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Carosel "Blonde Camel" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Flecked #4 size yarn  (Lost Label)

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

BRIM Row 1:  knit to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

BODY Switch to Yarn Color B

Row 21: knit to the end
Row 22: purl to the end

Rows 23-30:  Repeat Rows 21 and 22

Tie off and Cut Yarn Color B.  Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 31:  knit to the end
Row 32:  knit to the end
Row 33:  *p2, k1*  Repeat to the end
Row 34:  knit to the end

Rows 35 - 48:  Repeat rows 31 - 34

Row 49 - 50:  knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

Cast on 6 pegs.

Row 1: knit to the end
Row 2:  purl to the end

Rows 3-40:  Repeat Rows 1-2

Loop first row of stitches back on to the loom.  Knit each peg.  Cut Yarn A leaving a tail measuring around 16".  Thread the tail into your plastic tapestry needle.  Sew through each loop and remove your knitted band from the loom.  Wrap Yarn A around the middle of the band (making a bow shape) around 6 times.  Sew bow to the band of your toboggan.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Sweet Treat

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
The Sweet Treat Cupcake Hat

There are a lot of "cupcake" or "ice cream" hat patterns out there.  My pattern is a combination of several that I have liked.  Here are some of the ones I was influenced by:  Cupcake Hat, Cupcake Hat video, and Crochet Cupcake Hat.  There are many, many more!

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Carosel "Blonde Camel" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Heart "Pink" #4 size yarn
     Color C:  Red Heart "Red" #4 size yarn
     Color D:  Red Heart "White" #4 size yarn
     Color E:  Red Heart "Light Raspberrry" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

Row 1:  knit to the end
Row 2-4:  purl to the end

Row 5: knit to the end
Row 6: ewrap to the end

Rows 7-16:  Repeat Rows 5 and 6

Row 17-20:  purl to the end

Switch to Yarn Color B

Rows 21- 30: e-wrap to the end

When you've completed Row 30, find the first stitch in Yarn Color B. Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Rows 31-33:  knit to the end

Row 34: purl to the end
Row 35: knit to the end

Rows 36-50: Repeat Rows 34 and 35

Row 51: knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create the "cherry on top," wind Yarn Color C around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.

To create the "sprinkles,"  Cut off around 16" of Yarn Color D and Yarn Color E.  Using your plastic tapestry needle, gently sew stitches in random directions all around the top of your cup cake.  Do not pull these stitches in tightly or you may deform your cupcake.  I only used two colors, but you may use as many as you like!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Nipper

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).
The Nipper

The hat is an adaptation of a free pattern for a baby blanket by Ravelry contributor who goes by the user name "haraseiram."  The blanket instructions can be found here:  Haraseiram's Baby Blanket

This is currently my favorite stitch to use for making blankets.  Other than the bother of changing yarn every so often, it's a terribly easy pattern that makes a stunning little blanket!

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Turquoise" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Heart "White" #4 size yarn
     Color C:  Red Heart "Charcoal" #4 size yarn

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

Row 1:  ewrap to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color B 

Rows 21 - 23: knit to the end

Drop Yarn Color B inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color C 

Row 24:  *k1, p1* to the end
Row 25 - 27: knit to the end

Drop Yarn Color C inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 28:  *k1, p1* to the end
Row 29 - 31: knit to the end

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color B

Row 32:  *k1, p1* to the end
Row 33 - 35: knit to the end

Drop Yarn Color B inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color C

Row 36:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 37 - 39: knit to the end

Tie off and cut Yarn Color C and Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 40:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 41 - 43: knit to the end

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color B

Row 44:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 45 - 47: knit to the end

Tie off and cut Yarn Color B and Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 48 - 50: knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.

This pattern was designed to be made with many different colors of scrap yarn. I strongly suggest that for the doll-sized version of this hat you pull off a few yards of yarn and wind them into a ball as if it was scrap.  The pattern switches color frequently and asks you to drop the yarn you are not using through the loom to wait its turn.  Pulling a skein of yarn back and forth through a "preemie" sized loom is no fun, let me tell you!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- Pink Elfkin

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).

Well, I'm cheating a little today.  Like yesterday's toboggan, this hat is an adaptation of a free pattern called the "Scrappy Ski Hat" by Justyna Lorkowska. I just added a different brim and made it a little smaller.

The Pink Elfkin Hat
 The full size version can be found here:  Scrappy Ski Hat

Once more -- As the name indicates, it is designed to be made with many different colors of scrap yarn.  If you are creating this hat with full skeins of yarn, for the doll sized version, I strongly suggest you pull off a few yards and wind them into a ball as if it was scrap.  The pattern switches color frequently and asks you to drop the yarn you are not using through the loom to wait its turn.  Pulling a skein of yarn back and forth through a "preemie" sized loom is no fun, let me tell you!

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A:  Red Heart "Light Raspberry" #4 size yarn
     Color B:  Red Heart "White" #4 size yarn
     Color CRed Heart "Olive" #4 size yarn
     Color DRed Heart "Pink" #4 size yarn 

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl
     ew = e-wrap
     skip = let the yarn go behind the peg without knitting or purling it


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.


Row 1:  knit to the end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color B
Rows 21 and 22: knit to the end
Row 23a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end

Drop Yarn Color B inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color C

Row 23b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 24 - 26: knit to the end
Row 27a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Drop Yarn Color C inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 27b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 28 - 30: knit to the end
Row 31a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color D

Row 31b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 32 - 34: knit to the end
Row 35a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Drop Yarn Color D inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color C

Row 25b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 36 - 38: knit to the end
Row 39a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Drop Yarn Color C inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color D

Row 39b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 40 - 42: knit to the end
Row 43a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Tie off and cut Yarn Color D and Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 43b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 44 - 46: knit to the end
Row 47a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Drop Yarn Color A inside the loom and Switch to Yarn Color B

Row 47b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 48 - 50: knit to the end
Row 51a:  *k1, skip 1* to the end 

Tie off and cut Yarn Color B  and Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 51b:  *skip 1, k1* to the end
Row 52 - 54: knit to the end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To create a tousle, wind Yarn A around three fingers around 20 times.  Tie a short piece of yarn tightly around the middle of this bundle of yarn.  Cut the looped ends of the yarn and trim to the desired shape.  Sew to the top of your toboggan using your yarn and a tapestry needle.