Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Loom Knit Doll Hat Project -- The Bubble Yum

I've got a goal to have knitted at least fifty doll hats within the next fifty days to sell at a huge neighborhood yard sale in the fall.  To my surprise, I found there were very few doll hat patterns available for free on the internet.  This is a pity since a doll hat is a very good project for a beginning loomer and it isn't always obvious how a full-sized hat pattern should be changed to be appropriate for a doll.  Therefore, I've decided to share my notes on creating and converting hat patterns to fit 18" dolls (such as the American Girl, Journey Girl, Our Generation, or My Life dolls).

We all have things in life that we are immediately good at... and others that we never quite master despite our best efforts.  I, for example, make terrible, sloppy french knots... but I never stop trying!

In this particular case, I was inspired to once more trot out my poor french knot making skills because I saw this adorable crocheted bubblegum machine hat

Gumball Hat

As you see, this pattern uses buttons for the bubblegum.  I thought it would be easy to create a knitted version of the design, but I didn't have any tiny buttons on hand.  "No problem!"  I thought.  "I'll just use french knots instead!"  ...Completely forgetting that my french knot tend to look more like chewed gum than bubbles.

Ah, well, hopefully you can do better... or are more well-stocked for buttons!

Pattern Information

Knitting Loom:  Knifty Knitter 24 peg "Preemie" loom

     Color A: Red Heart "Dark Red" #4 size yarn
     Color B: Red Heart "Dark Red" #4 size yarn

Plus a variety of yarn scraps to use to make the "bubbles"

Skill Level: Beginner

     k = knit
     p = purl


With Yarn Color A, cast on 24 pegs.

Row 1:  knit to end

Rows 2-20:  Repeat Row 1

When you've completed Row 20, find the first stitch (the end of your yarn should still be dangling from it). Loop the first stitch back up over Peg #1.  Continue around the loom until the entire first row is looped back up onto the loom. Knit the last row of stitches over the first row of stitches.

Switch to Yarn Color B
Row 21: knit to end
Row 22: purl to end

Rows 23- 40: Repeat Rows 21 and 22

Switch to Yarn Color A

Row 41-50: knit to end

Bind off using gathered removal method.

To make the "gumballs":  Using a variety of colors of yarn, make large french knots in the white area of the hat.  (I am not going to give you any pointers on making french knots because... well, whatever I'm doing, I'm somehow doing it wrong...)

You may substitute sewing in small buttons for the french knots if you wish.

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